Good day. This is my fifth times of my post about Arduino. We've learned about how to create something using Arduino from the very beginning that was just make a simple push button, till we made something more difficult which was creating a temperature censor and displaying the result in the LCD screen. And now, i'm gonna show you how to use a keypad and LCD Screen at once. With these two devices are combined with our Arduino, we are able to make something like a little application. And now, i'm gonna make a simple calculator using them. Stuffs: These are stuffs you are gonna need to prepare An Arduino Uno A BreadBoard Jumper Cables A Keypad A PC which has Arduino App Installed A Potensiometer A Resistor What do we do? First thing we gotta do is to wire our Arduino and keypad as shown below: Actually we dont need the speaker and the led. But I put them when i wired them. And here is my work: It was a little bit confusing i thought. And aft...
My name is Khan.