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Showing posts from October, 2016

Piece of Me

"Piece of Me" If I have to lose piece of me, maybe I don't want to be happy. If I have to lose a bit of me, maybe I don't want to see what a success is supposed to be. But you keep telling me to do what I have to do. I don't know if I'm happy. I don't know if I'm not either. Cause my heart has already numb after constant tearing all day and night. I couldn't tell which part of me, is me. Cause I've lost too many pieces of me.

High Notes Sound

"The High Notes Sound" It feels a little... little little. Just a little, not too much. What can I expect from me if I can't even trust my self? A little bit longer, I guess, is enough for me to find out the true of me. But if I do find it, then what? Simply I don't want to bother me my self anymore. When I hear the Schindler's List theme by John William, my heart stops for a moment, just to realize how beautiful it truly is. I can clearly feel the scream. I can clearly feel the scream. The sorrow, the sadness. My heart claps unrespectfully, but my hands freeze. __Subkhan Sarif__ 2016

Calo, Masih Ada!

Suatu ketika aku harus berurusan dengan polisi. Bukan karena ditilang nggak  pakai helm atau lampu motor nggak  nyala karena aku ngga punya motor. Tapi untuk memperpanjang SIM yang akan habis masa berlakunya besok. Jadi aku berangkat ke polsek lalu lintas yang ada di jalan Jawa. Persyaratan untuk memperpanjang SIM sebenarnya tidak banyak dan tidak rumit. Hanya dibutuhkan foto copy KTP dan SIM dan surat keterangan sehat jasmani. Malangnya aku nggak tahu kalau butuh surat keterangan sehat jasmani, jadi aku harus buat dulu. Haissh , ribet amat!!! #kesal #padahalNggakRibetAmatSih #cumaCapek Jadilah aku harus ke tempat checkup yang untungnya nggak terlalu jauh.  Nah, pas aku lagi mau nyeberang, tiba-tiba ada bapak paruh baya menghampiriku. Awalnya ku kira bapaknya mau markir mobil di belakangku jadi aku minggir. Tapi ku lihat ngga ada mobil. "Mas, mau bikin?" Kata bapaknya. Aku bingung, agak lelet mikir. Soalnya masih ngira kalau bapaknya nggak lagi ngomong ke aku. ...