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Showing posts from November, 2014

De-compile, Edit, And Re-compile APK File

I've had a job to do some changes in an Android application.  I thought it was gonna be easy. But when they said they had no source code of that app but have the .apk file only, I was like "Whuaaat...? I mean how am I supposed to do that without source code?" But then I thought, "Okey, maybe I can start it over from scratch again." And I did it. I was starting to make a 'cloning' from that app. But I couldn't do it. With a short time that I had, I decided to search of how to get source code from compiled .apk file. After some searching, and trying some methods, I found this amazing app: APK STUDIO. It really, really, really helped me a lot. I can just decompile an .apk file, edit it, and recompile it and boom, an edited .apk file was just done. If you have the same problem and want to edit your compiled .apk but you've lost your source code, then you should use this app. Go to this thread and get APK STUDIO . It's free.

Brief Notes C Language: Instructions

This is just my note when I attended the lecture. I write this here so it will be long lasting.  :D  [Instructions] In C language, as well as in any other programming language, there are some types of instruction. Assignment Assignment instruction is used to, as its name, assign a value into a variable. This can be done these operation: = ; = ; The thing is, this assignment " can not " be done if information-name has a type of string / array of characters. Conditional State The conditional instruction is useful if there is particular state that has to be done differently from any others state. if ( ) ; if ( ) else ; switch ( ){ case : ; break; case : ; break; case : ; break; . . default: ; break; } Repeating We can use this when we need to repeat something over and over again until it reaches the stop conditions. while ( ) ; do while( ); for( ; ; ) ; Branching With branching, we can jump from one 'job' into another ...

Brief NotesC Language: Comments, Executable Expression, and Constant

This is just my note when I attended the lecture. I write this here so it will be long lasting.  :D  [ Comment(s) ] In C, an expression or a sentence is ended with mark ';' (semicolon). There are two kinds of sentence. An executable and non-executable sentence. A non-executable sentence is called a  comment. A comment is used to give some explanation to the reader (human) so our code will be possibly more understandable to human to read it. As a comment, this sentence will not be executed when our code is runned. We can write a comment like this: /* This is first type of comment It can contains multiple lines and It will be ended by '*/' mark */ // this is the second kind of comment. It only contains one line The first type is using /* */. This type can contain multiple lines. It means that everything surrounded by '/*' and '*/' mark is considered as a comment. And second type is using //. This type can only have one line. It means that everythi...

Brief Notes C Language: Term and Program Structure

  This is just my note when I attended the lecture. I write this here so it will be long lasting.  :D [ The Terms in C ] There are several terms used in C: Block  is a set of expression written between '{' and '}' mark; Definition tells the property(ies) of an object and allocate the object's memory as well; Declaration tells the property(ies) of an object especially related to type; Initialization gives the initial value to the object; Global Declaration is the declaration which is valid in one unit translation (file); Local Declaration is the declaration which is only valid in one block this declaration placed; Object also known as a variable; Lvalue is an expression that refers to an object. Easily, lvalue is the left value of an assignment expression; Body is the realization of a function; Scope is a program's area where name is known. [ Program's Structure ] Below is the structure of a main program written in C: /* File ...

It's Maybe Who?

I was spending my free time, literally, free. So I decided to play some random tones. Yeah, pretty random, right? As I'm not a pianist, or even a music player, soo, don't blame me if it really is making your ears numb. :D Hope you enjoy. haha It's Maybe Who? (c) Subkhan Sarif