This is just my note when I attended the lecture. I write this here so it will be long lasting. :D
Actually there is no such a strict role in the matter of character's position.
For more clear example, it will be written here in my next post as I will keep posting about C. :D
Thank you for coming.
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[ The Terms in C ]
There are several terms used in C:
Block is a set of expression written between '{' and '}' mark;
Definition tells the property(ies) of an object and allocate the object's memory as well;
Declaration tells the property(ies) of an object especially related to type;
Initialization gives the initial value to the object;
Global Declaration is the declaration which is valid in one unit translation (file);
Local Declaration is the declaration which is only valid in one block this declaration placed;
Object also known as a variable;
Lvalue is an expression that refers to an object. Easily, lvalue is the left value of an assignment expression;
Body is the realization of a function;
Scope is a program's area where name is known.
[ Program's Structure ]
Below is the structure of a main program written in C:
Below is the structure of a main program written in C:
Actually there is no such a strict role in the matter of character's position.
For more clear example, it will be written here in my next post as I will keep posting about C. :D
Thank you for coming.
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