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Oh My God! (Song)

You try to follow the way they say it's written for you
No matter how hard, and you say "Oh My God!"
And I always will be with you

When you feel so scared to death, exhausted, and you're alone
You cheer up yourself to lights up your head
But you keep your heart away

I hope you see me

"Oh My God!"
You can't say a word even when your head explodes
It's all gone
Digging up huge hole inside your heart
Everybody say that everything's gonna be fine
You don't think so.

Everything was bright, the sun shined so light
You had no mistakes, sins, nor worries
You're so desperate looking back inside yourself
Pitch black now all you see

Remember the goods, the bads won't leave you any stiches
when you look at me, I look back to you
You started crying let it free

Well, now you see me

"Oh My God!"
You start to feel lights beam touch into your heart
Can you smile?
Can you start to feel there's hope inside?
You start to see the beauty of the butterfly that flies in front of you

You're catching the rope, trying to get hope
Getting out, walking to the light
Don't you feel afraid anymore, I'll be with you

-- Subkhan Sarif --
(c) 2016


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